Advantage / Efficacy /
Mechanism / Regulation

Inorganic Antimicrobial "IONPURE"


High heat resistance It has a high heat resistance because it is glass. There is no reduction of performance even at 500℃.
Designs for different purposes We can freely design antimicrobial/antifungal efficacy and life span according to intended purposes.
Applicable to a wide range of materials It can be applied to any type of resin with a wide selection of grades.
Cost-efficiency It performs a sufficient efficacy at a low dosage, which achieves an excellent cost-efficiency.
High transparency It can keep up transparency of resins such as GPPS, PC, ABS, and AS.
Safety It has a high level of safety. It has been used for cosmetics as well.

Antimicrobial efficacy of "IONPURE"

"IONPURE" performs antimicrobial efficacy at a low dosage. Antimicrobial efficay has been confirmed not only after 24 hours with reduction of more than 99%, but also after a short period of time such as 16 hours and 2 hours.


Antimicrobial mechanism

"IONPURE" is 100% glass. It gradually dissolves as it touches mosture, and releases metal ions little by little. The metal ions stop the growth of bacteria so that the proliferation can be prevented and antimicrobial efficacy can be obtained.

Information on registration and approval

High safety of "IONPURE" has been recognized throughout the world.


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an administrative agency of the United States for protection of public health and nature environment.
Registration of antimicrobials is conducted in accordance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).
"IONPURE" can be applied as an antimicrobial for food, beverage, and non-food contact applications.

Application examples:
Chopping board, Food container, Toilet seat, Artificial marble kitchen counter, Drinking water filter, Ice maker, etc.
Food contact & Water contact 1. Ionpure WPA (73148-1)
2. Ionpure IPL (73148-3)
3. Ionpure IPM (73148-4)
4. Ionpure IZA (73148-5)
Non-food contact 1. Ionpure ZAF (73148-2)
2. Ionpure ZAF HS (73148-6)
3. Ionpure ZAF MS (73148-7)
4. Ionpure IPI (73148-8)

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves foods and drugs, and ensures safety. "IONPURE" can be added to all the food contact resins that are used in USA.

Application examples:
Food package application, Tray, Plastic wrap, Botle, etc.
Food contact application 1. FCN No. 000432 Ionpure IPL
2. FCN No. 000433 Ionpure WPA
3. FCN No. 000434 Ionpure IPM
4. FCN No. 000476 Ionpure IZA
5. FCN No. 001981 Ionpure IPI

National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)

The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) establilshes rigorous review criteria of the products related to public health and environmental issues, and conducts conformity tests on safety and performances. "IONPURE" has been registered to ANSI/NSF Standard51 of NSF, hence it can be applied to equipments for food contact applications.

Application examples:
Dish washer, Automatic ice maker, Ice box in refrigerator, Kitchen item, Belt conveyor, etc.
NSF Standard 51 1. Ionpure IPL
2. Ionpure WPA
3. Ionpure IZA


Applied to BPR (Biocidal Product Regulation) Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012

BPR is regulation that came into force on September 1, 2013. All the biocidal products and active substances contained in the products must be approved prior to the launch onto the market.
"IONPURE" has already been applied (PT2, 4, 7, and 9). We are directly dealing with the EU regulations.

Review status The review has been proceeded. The information is always updated with the latest information available.

European Food Savety Authority (EFSA)

The European Food Savety Authority (EFSA) is the agency that mainly conducts scientific risk It belongs to the European Commission, the European Council, and the European Parliament. "IONPURE" can be used as an antimicrobial for food contact appilcations.

EFSA-approved grades 1. Ionpure IPL (86432)
2. Ionpure WPA (86432-20)
3. Ionpure ZAF (86432-40)
4. Ionpure IPM (86432-60)

"IONPURE" is a trademark of Ishizuka Glass Co., Ltd.


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